

Sam Andrew, artist and sculpture, 站在免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿艺术画廊他的一件数码印刷艺术作品前. 安德鲁即将举办的展览,“大约1970年:如果印象派有电脑会怎么样??" will run Oct. 1-30 in the gallery, with nearly 20 new pieces. The show marks his return to campus; his first one-man showcase of work occurred at the campus more than 30 years ago. Learn more about the campus Art Gallery at newkensington.159666789.com/art-gallery.

Credit: Rebecca Dietrich

NEW KENSINGTON, Pa. — For Samuel Andrew, 今年10月回到免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿分校展示他的艺术作品是一种回归.  

“在近半个世纪后,回到我作为一个年轻艺术家在艺术界举办的第一次个人画展的地方,至少可以说是具有讽刺意味的,” said Andrew. “There have been a lot of galleries, exhibits and classrooms in between, and not to be too melodramatic, but it kind of puts an end cap on things.” 

Andrew, 最初来自宾夕法尼亚州中南部,后来定居在联邦西部地区, has been an artist all his life, 出生在一个音乐家和艺术家的家庭.  

“我总是被鼓励要有创造力,”他说. “美术教室是我高中时必去的地方,在我的职业生涯中一直如此.” 

这位艺术家多年来一直在各种媒体上工作, 但主要集中在两个领域:焊接钢和数码打印. 将技术融入到他的作品中似乎是很自然的事情. 

“Digital prints have been around for a while, 我一直很喜欢“新鲜和与众不同”,’” said the award-winning sculptor and educator. “计算机作为美术工具或媒体一直存在争议,现在仍然存在争议, but I view it as no different than a brush, crayon or torch; it's just new. So was acrylic paint back in the sixties!” 


“One of my mentors told me that he believed, “Art should be democratic,” he remembered through his artist statement. “The print is the most “democratic” form of art. 版画家的倍数和艺术家的样稿可以由许多人拥有. 我相信艺术应该是负担得起的,并且让尽可能多想要体验它的人都能获得. 我还认为,衡量一件艺术作品的有效性的标准是它与观众交流的程度.” 

30多年前,他在当时位于新肯辛顿校区的“新画廊”(New Gallery)举办了首场展览, Andrew has been an active artist, graphic designer and educator, 作品被列入评委会、邀请展和公众展览, private and corporate collections. 他在宾夕法尼亚的印第安纳大学完成了艺术教育的本科教育. 他在俄亥俄大学(Ohio University)攻读社会心理学研究生学位,之后又在纽约大学(NYU)攻读艺术史研究生学位。. 他目前居住在小鹿乡与他的妻子,贝基,和他们的两匹马,玛丽亚和艾米.  

Beginning Oct. 安德鲁回到校园为他的职业生涯的最后个展之一. 题目是《免费mg不朽情缘试玩》?这个为期一个月的展览概括了他的校园历史和他的数码版画创作. 

“我选择了1970年左右,因为那是我第一次在校园演出的时候,”安德鲁解释说. “‘如果’的部分与我对美术大师会用技术做什么的想法的迷恋有关.” 

参观者将看到大约20件新的数码印刷品, also known as giclée prints, from Andrew, with some equine themed. 

“我希望他们(观众)离开的时候能有一段愉快的色彩、形状和图像的体验,让他们的想象力发挥一会儿,” said Andrew. 

The exhibit, which opens Oct. 1 and runs through Oct. 可以在校园美术馆观看,周一到周五上午8点.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m.

由于画廊也作为学术课程和活动的教育空间, 建议公众联系蒂娜·布斯, gallery coordinator, at 724-334-6056 before visiting. 与画廊里的所有展览一样,参观展览不收取入场费. 

免费mg不朽情缘试玩新肯辛顿的画廊每月都有当地的多媒体作品, regional, national and international artists. 了解更多关于画廊的信息以及如何成为未来的参展商, contact Booth by phone or email or [email protected]. More information can also be viewed at www.newkensington.159666789.com/art-gallery